06 June 2012

HASH V1:CH5 The Secret

In this installment of Hardcastle's Adventures in Self Help, I dive into Chapter 5 of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Each chapter of The Secret contains "Secret Summaries" at the end which I've . . . edited . . . to better reflect reality. Enjoy!

Chapter 5: The Secret to Money

Let's just skip the whole bit about how this book (which is, and I kid you not, at a fifth-grade reading level), retails for around $24. Or the bit about how there's a movie, and other books, which fans of the law of attraction will presumably go spend money on. Then there are the seminars, and all the books and authors that she plugs in her book, which . . . fuck it, too late.

Jack Canfield, known best for the Chicken Soup for the Soul inspirational series, has a very compelling testimony of the effectiveness of The Secret. He made a picture of a hundred thousand dollar bill to focus on, and then decided to try and sell enough copies of a book he had written to reach this goal.  His story:
. . . I saw the National Enquirer at the supermarket. I had seen that millions of times and it was just background. And all of a sudden it jumped out to me as foreground . . . About six weeks later I gave a talk at Hunter College . . . and afterward a woman approached me and said, 'That was a great talk. I want to interview you. Let me give you my card.' As it turns out, she was a freelance writer who sold her stories to the National Enquirer.”
The National Enquirer is a publication that has never been known for things like making shit up or exploiting gullibility for profit. This story inspired The Secret Team to put a blank check from the Bank of the Universe that you can fill out to assist your Secret processes. As I've mentioned, I find it a little odd that the universe doesn't understand concepts like "no" or "don't want," but it understands concepts like "money." I don't suppose that narcissistic scam artists like Rhonda Byrne ever sit around contemplating whether or not the concept of financial gain would actually exist outside of the human race.
"It will not be surprising to you to learn that the wealthiest people on the planet are the greatest philanthropists. They give away vast amounts of money, and as they give, by the law of attraction, the Universe opens up and floods vast amounts of money to them—multiplied!"
I'm sure the flood of money has nothing to do with their positions as CEOs of huge companies, their tax breaks, or capitalism. And actually, I'd say the greatest philanthropist is probably the person who has nothing but the shirt on their back and still gives it away. And I'd also add that philanthropy is often a social expectation of the wealthy, and that imploring people to be generous just so they can get more things kind of makes one a shithead.

My favorite part of this chapter is when Byrne plugs a book by Catherine Ponder that hypothesizes that Jesus and other Biblical figures were not only great spiritual leaders but also actual fucking millionaires. Funny, I wonder where that whole “easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle” thing came from.

Secret Summaries:

To attract money, focus on wealth. You don't actually have to worry about going out and
making any.

It is helpful to use your imagination and make-believe you already have the money you want. Play games of having wealth, because it seems to work so well for six-year-olds.

Feeling happy now is the fastest way to bring money into your life. Which is why people who work high-paying jobs do not know sadness.

Make it your intention to look at everything you like and say to yourself, “I can afford that. I can buy that.” This is why people with 10 credit cards have such happy, stress-free lives.

Give money in order to bring more of it into your life. There, now no one can criticize you for being greedy.

Visualize checks in the mail. I, a bestselling self-help author, do this all the time—and it works!

Tip the balance of your thoughts to wealth. Think wealth. Never question whether the ruthless pursuit of wealth is ethical or even necessary to your life. 


Chapter 4

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